Esogetic Joint Symbol Therapies Webinar
November 6, 2016
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
In Esogetics, we view illness and pain as signals that call upon clients to reexamination their lives and consider the need for possible change. As an Esogetic practitioner, your job is to understand and hold the symbolism of your client’s situation in order to best support their healing. This webinar will explore the symbolic meaning of the joints in the body, according to Esogetics. That information can be extremely helpful for your diagnostic assessment. In addition, you will learn special Esogetic treatments developed to stimulate the flow of symbolic information related to the various joints. These treatments are very useful when treating the pains that clients experience in their joints. If you can move the soul-spirit conflict in the background of the situation, your bodily pain therapies will be much more effective. In addition, the joint symbol treatments can be used in other situations, whenever you want to address certain conflict issues.