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A Special 4-Day Healing Retreat
with Manohar Croke, MA, CCP:
If you sometimes feel that you need more time to work on your own healing, I invite you to attend this special healing retreat. In it, we will devote precious time to giving and receiving treatments appropriate to where each of you are in your own healing processes. We’ll experiment with new Esogetic tools and explore together the impact that these treatments have upon our own bodies, souls and spirits.
In addition, we are going to take a deeper journey into the powerful informative wisdom that these color frequencies have to offer. Through the use of special meditation techniques and processes for personal discovery, we will actually step inside these colors to directly experience how they can support us in our personal unfolding.
Along the way, we will enjoy some nourishing time together, relaxing and deepening our personal connections as a healing community.
This retreat is limited to certified Esogetic Colorpuncture practitioners. Before registering, please call Manohar at 530-362-6908 to obtain further information. Sliding scale may be available. Blessings!