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  • Tree of Life Crystal Therapies Class
     March 17, 2016 - March 20, 2016
     9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Manohar's picture don't touch

In this class, you will learn a range of crystal therapy treatments, using the element or soul spirit crystals and the original crystal activator, as well as some treatments for the black and clear crystal activators. These treatments release conflict and tension, balance emotions and stimulate consciousness. In particular, this class is devoted to exploring the esoteric insights of the Tree of Life and the Kaballah. This ancient system of thought underlies Peter Mandel’s whole approach to healing. You will learn advanced crystal therapies that access the energies of the Tree of Life. These therapies support individual soul evolution, while helping with physical complaints and revealing the background of these complaints at the level of soul conflict. Other advanced crystal therapies are also included which help clients contact the Bardo of Light or the space between incarnations. They help clients to contact their original soul -spirit intention and karmic learning for this lifetime. This will be a lovely class with ample opportunities to experience the power of the Esogetic Crystals. Instructor is Manohar Croke. Cost is $500 ($100 non-refundable registration deposit required to register).  Location in Central Houston TBA. (Note: Participants must have completed at least an Introduction to Esogetic Colorpuncture class.)