Individual pairs of optiCOLORvision Glasses


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Nearly 80 percent of all impressions reach our brain via the eyes. Today, we know that this much is true – the eye is not there merely to see! It is an important “outpost” of our health. The eye perceives and receives frequencies of colored light, converts these frequencies into electromagnetic impulses, sorts them and then sends them to the brain, influencing both our physical and emotional wellbeing.The high-quality colored lenses of the optiCOLORvision Glasses can have effects that are beneficial to the health, in the case of emotional and physical illnesses and stress. There are 7 pairs of glasses in colors of red, yellow, orange, blue, violet and turquoise. The glasses come with a brochure that explains the specific effects of each color. The 100% UV400 filter also makes these glasses excellently suitable for use as sunglasses. (note: In the USA, use of the glasses is not permitted when driving a vehicle or operating a machine.) Cost: $55 for each individual pair of glasses. See the Additional Resources section of this website for additional information.